10 Tips for Amazing Family Photos

It's that time of year! It is time to update the family photos and get some amazing family portraits up on the walls. Families often have a ton of questions leading up to their family session, so I have created my annual top 10 list of things to do to have amazing family photos!


Before the session

  1. Coordinate, don't match. Exact matching outfits do not photograph well and can make the photo look confusing. You want outfits all on the same color palette but not exactly the same. For more help with outfits, see my Family Photos Style Guide. Be sure to bring a back up outfit for little babies in case of an emergency or spill.

  2. Prepare the kids: posture it in a really positive and fun experience. Tell the kids you are going to take photos and it is going to be so much fun and you are just going to play and have a blast.

  3. Set the kids up for a good experience. Make sure the kids are fed and well rested. Try not to come straight from something else that could influence moods. Try to make sure you as the parent are not stressed out and that this is a fun time.

  4. Bring Treats/ Other incentives for kids. If they have a toy that they are really into that is aesthetically pleasing, bring it.

  5. Arrive at your location about 20 minutes early. Bring some toys and play around with your kids before the session so they can acclimate to the new location and are in a playful relaxing mood when it comes time for photos.

  6. Be present! Put your phone away and stay in the moment.


During the shoot

7. Do not get frustrated with the kids. Kids have a mind of their own and often do not cooperate exactly as we would like them to. This is normal. Do not add to the situation by being cross with them or scolding them. That will just make the situation worse and everyone miserable. No photographer is judging anyone if they kids get squirrelly. We've seen it all!

8. Be willing to take a break if things aren't going according to plan. Rely on your photographer to do different pairings and small groups and then try for the big group shot in a little while. Flexibility is key!

9. Follow the photographer's directions. Unless your photographer tells you otherwise, look at the camera even though it's tempting to look at your child if they are not listening. The photographer knows what they are doing. If they ask you to be silly or do something unusual, just go with it! It's usually going to make a very cute photo.

10. Plan to go somewhere fun after the shoot so the kids stay excited and happy. Bribing 100% works and I'm not above it if it gets the job done.

These are my top tips for successful family photos! Comment below if you would like me to publish my family photo style guide!!

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